ZOTiYAC drops "CPR" produced by Heal!
The track produced by HEAL, is accompanied by a brand new music video from ZOTiYAC. Check it out now and make sure to stay up to date with HEAL for all future releases!
Trap Vibes Forever Exclusive " Support The Artists ⬇ " * https://twitter.com/ZOTiYAC * https://www.instagram.com/zotiyac/ * https://soundcloud.com/zotiyac Directed & Edited by DEAD ON SIGHT Produced by H E A L Subscribe & Hit The 🔔 For Daily Notifications * https://www.youtube.com/c/VibesForeverYT FOLLOW VIBES FOREVER 📷 * https://www.instagram.com/VibesForeverYT 🐦 * https://twitter.com/VibesForeverYT ☁️ *
The track produced by HEAL, is accompanied by a brand new music video from ZOTiYAC. Check it out now and make sure to stay up to date with HEAL for all future releases!